Image source: Car-dinal Sins, one of the new Words on Fire puzzles!
No puzzle this week, people, just the announcement you've (hopefully) been waiting for... all 6 Words on Fire puzzles are ready, in pdf, online, and puz form! All you have to do is donate to the March to End Fossil Fuels at endfossilfuels.us, email me (ecorbin567 at gmail dot com) your proof of donation (screenshot or email receipt), and I will email you back the folder as soon as I can!
**UPDATE 8/12: You may also donate to any Maui fire relief fund to access Words on Fire.***
By the way, a seventh exclusive puzzle can also be yours if you solve Car-dinal Sins, which is a meta. Email me the answer with the address above and I will email you the puzzle!
Oh, and I'm now on Crosswordr, which you may have seen on the giant banner that I put up everywhere on my site. Come follow me there!